
At its most basic level, OpenPassPhrase is a data storage service. All the other details are just bells and whistles for securing and retrieving that data. Therefore, it is best to begin by describing what is actually being stored.

The below diagram shows the very simple entity-relationship schema used by OpenPassPhrase. Of interest, are the fields with an * next to their name. These are always stored in encrypted form and are never in clear text except when decrypted in RAM for transmission over TLS. The fields in the items table are likely to change or expand as more usage cases arise.


OpenPassPhrase DB schema

Database layer

An abstaction layer for communicating with the database is implemented by the opp.db.api module. The module uses SQLAlchemy Object Relational Mapper (ORM) to access and manipulate the specific RDBMS. The ORM models are defined in the opp.db.models module.

Bells and whistles

The rest of OpenPassPhrase can be logically partitioned into two distinct components:

  1. A backend API web service.

  2. A fronted web application.

Both parts are actively being developed. In the future, a 3rd component may be added in the future in the form of a native app running on a client mobile device.

Server Architecture

OpenPassPhrase uses a Flask-enabled WSGI application to interface with the outside world. Flask takes care of routing requests to appropriate endpoints and sending responses out to the WSGI server. The application contains two Flask modules: one for serving up HTML for browser based access and one for delivering JSON responses for API access.

Backend Web Service

The backend API provides several endpoints exposing OpenPassPhrase capabilities capabilities. In a typical flow consumers of the API would first call into the Authenticate endpoint with the user’s credentials and passphrase. In response a JSON Web Token (JWT) will be issued. This token, along with the passphrase, must be included in the header of all subsequent data access requests. For more information about JWT refer to the full JWT specification. The token has an expiration time after which it will no longer be accepted and the user will have to re-authenticate. See the exp_delta configuration setting for more details.


Once issued, the server has no way of invalidating a JWT short of manually changing the secret signing key on the server. To mitigate this vulnerability the exp_delta configuration setting should be set to a value that represents a reasonable tradeoff between security and convenience. The authentication endpoint also accepts an override parameter for this setting, allowing full control through API.

Frontend Web App

The frontend of OpenPassPhrase is a responsive single-page application written in Angular2. It utilizes the backend API for all operations. Login sessions are accomplished by obtaining a JWT with the expiration date fully controllable by the user. This UI app is hosted in its own repo, please refer to Opp-Web for details and source code.

Request Handlers

The backend API consists of request handlers which service the individual enpdoints for retrieving data from the categories and items tables respectively. These handlers implement the specific CRUD functionality for each endpoint. They take care of checking request parameters, performing data ciphering (encryption/decryption), data retrievale using the database layer described above, and constructing responses. The responses are in JSON format and are consumed by both JSON- and HTML-based Flask applications. The latter will use the JSON data to populate web forms via a jQuery-based library.